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The beginning of 2020 has been stressful, scary, and filled with hope and fear the unknown future. All of these emotions have been thrown into four short months that have lasted forever. With COVID-19 around every corner, on every news channel, social media, and radio station we must see the good that comes with it. We must restore faith in humanity and a Facebook group may have done just that with one heart at a time. That’s right! There is a group on Facebook called Happy Heart Hunt.
This group started on March 18th 2020 consisting of (now) 257,237 members and run by only 15 amazing admins! One of the people behind this amazing mission states “This group started out as a small project within our local community and quickly spread beyond all expectations.” If you look on the Announcements page you will find this:
GROUP MISSION: The group created to spread HAPPINESS, LOVE, KINDNESS and POSITIVITY during these unprecedented times. Idea credits to, and Heather Henthorn.
TASK: Create items around the theme of hearts to decorate your house, car, sidewalks, place of work, the possibilities are endless. Post pictures here of what you have created or what others have created that you spot when out walking or driving around. Perfect activity while social distancing! #togetherfromadistance
If you look at the posts you will find all different sizes, shapes, and colors, in both homes and businesses. Just to name a few locations in no particular order: Wisconsin, Illinois, Gloucestershire (UK), Minnesota, Texas, Hawaii, Montana, Florida, Kentucky, and Rotterdam (Netherlands)
You will find homemade cut out hearts, sidewalk art, circuit cut, drawings, and paintings on windows, sidewalks, walls, rocks and signs. People have given thanks to ALL essential workers and even showcasing their high risk family members to say thank you to everyone working. It hasn’t mattered how big or small your hearts are, everyone in the group loves them. Your hearts will be met with “oohhs” and “aahhs” comparable to a firework show grand finale.
Since I personally have become a member of this group I have noticed hearts everywhere I turn! I have seen them on homes, hospital windows, gas stations, vehicles, sidewalks and even at fire stations.
Now add your own hearts to your home or business and let those who see it be reminded in these dark times there is love, hope, and happiness all around us. Maybe even get some sidewalk chalk and decorate outside of your local hospital, firehouse or other essential business.
In a final note from one of the admins “We are all in awe over the outcome of this group!” Check out this group, show them some love and proudly display your hearts. Group page again Here.
Disclaimer: Names were kept off pictures out of respect of privacy